Recap of this weekend:
I almost had a really bad accident at Crossfit on Friday. I was going for my PR on my back squat at 260 pounds and lost balance and wound up falling forward where the bar rolled past my head. It was scary but thankfully I was absolutely fine! God is good! That's all I'm saying... Between that and the 260 pound dead lift I am very sore and took off Saturday and Sunday to rest/recover. Though I only went to Crossfit 3 times last week again, this week I will be making it at least 4 and am scheduling some extra credit work for myself for after the WOD's. PR week was fun (minus the scare) and I want to work on my strength and skills a bit more so I'll be using my after WOD time for that.
Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon
Lunch: Burger and Kale/Veggies
Dinner: Chicken Salad with strawberries and blueberries & Apple
Coffee: 2 cups
1 RM Back Squat 255 Pounds
1 RM Push Press 90 Pounds
1 RM Dead Lift 260 Pounds
Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon and Sweet Potato Hash
Snack: Blueberry cobbler- Paleo over coconut milk
Lunch: none
Dinner: Prime Rib + Salad (toppings: broccoli, carrots, sweet peppers, cucumbers, celery, sunflower seeds).
Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon + Blueberry Cobbler over Coconut milk
Lunch: Burger + Kale/Veggies
Dinner: Bacon/Apple Stuffed Pork Chops, Sweet potato mash & Green beans
Desert: Blueberry cobbler over coconut milk
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