Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Next Challenge...

So this is the last week of the Paleo challenge! It officially ends on Friday. My goal through this competition was to learn how to eat better, healthier and to challenge myself more. Through the 60 days I have lost 8 pounds (woohoo!) and I've learned to cook healthy and yummy! (double-woohoo!). I have also learned to love to push myself and challenge myself more and more. I've learned how important it is to stay consistent in sleeping, eating and working out. This is something I'm still working on getting a handle on all together. I'm learning I need to strictly schedule my sleep and eating patterns as my schedule tends to get out of whack often. 

Eating Paleo is helping my strength ability in the gym and it helps my attitude as I always feel great! Just because the challenge is coming to an end it does not mean that I will revert back to my eating out/carb-loading/sugar high diet I was doing before. I have a lot of goals and I know that I will never get there with that life style!! I have to say I absolutely love Crossfit! I love what it has done to me physically and mentally. It has encouraged the Paleo eating as it works best with the training style. People have often asked when this challenge is over so I can eat certain foods again. It's not over but just beginning! I cannot wait to see what a few months down the road will be like for me!

This challenge may be ending but I'm looking forward to new ones! This Saturday I will be in Miami running my first TOUGH MUDDER race!! I trained for and ran a half-marathon back in 2010. This race is 10-12 miles with 25 military obstacle courses in between. I will be blogging about this experience this weekend! I'm nervous but at the same time I cannot wait!! 

Another challenge I'm looking forward to is I have registered for the  Crossfit Games Open Registration Competition . This will be my first Crossfit competition and I'm very excited to see how far I've come in the past year doing Crossfit. I'm also excited to see what new goals I need to make for myself to get better and stronger! 

Also, I've recently purchased a GROUPON for a kickboxing class! I was very excited to start this as I have always wanted to! My first class was Monday night and it was awesome! Very high intensity workout which is what I like! I left there sweaty and winded but feelin BA!! ;)  

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