Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Crockpot Honey Apple Pork Loin

Pork Loin (about 4 pounds)
3 Red Apples
4 Tablespoons of Agave Nectar
2 Tablespoons of Cinnamon
1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar


-Slice Apples and place several slices (about 1 entire apple worth) at the bottom of the crock pot and add a bit of the cinnamon and agave nectar
-Cut slits into the pork loin and place an apple slice in between each slit.
-ADD SALT to the pork loin. (I have a kosher salt grinder and I think I used about 20 twists or more... )
-Place the pork over the apples and place the remaining apple slices on top and around the pork loin.
-Throw remainder of ingredients on top.
-Cook on low for 7 hours then serve with veggies!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wednesday and Thursday 4/10-4/11

Breakfast-Cookies and Cream Protein Shake with 1/2 Banana/Strawberries in Water w/Vitamins
Lunch-Pork and Veggies & Bacon
Dinner-Omelet and Veggies

Breakfast- Veggie Omelet & Breakfast potatoes with a side of Bacon
Lunch- none
Dinner- Pizza Fusion Gluten Free Pepperoni/Bacon/Chicken/Spinach/Sun dried Tomato's - YUM!
Desert- Almond meal berry cobbler.

I stuck my almond meal in the freezer to keep me from making desert again. I can't seem to help it! ah!!

WED WOD- I was a sweaty mess!!
Strength: Back Squat- 265 pounds
Conditioning: 20 Min AMRAP- 10 KBS, 10 PULL UPS, 250m Run - TOTAL 6 Rounds
Then: 1 min Plank Holds x3

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday 4/9/2013

Breakfast: Cookies and Cream Protein Shake with 1/2 Banana and Almond Milk
Lunch: Pork Chop with saute'd veggies
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Egg Omelet covered in saute'd veggies
Desert: Almond meal berry cobbler
         (OK I need to cool it on the deserts this week- no matter how paleo it is)

I took a rest day after double WODing Monday night.

It is my last week of mentoring for this semester so I have to say goodbye to my students and mentor teacher. I have really enjoyed mentoring in their class over the past several weeks. I wanted to leave the teacher and the students with a little gift just because. I thought it was a cute idea so I wanted to share it on here. I got the vase idea from pinterest and the little baggies I made with dollar store items.

Inside the bag I had a little note the says "DONT BE A DUM DUM BE A SMARTIE AND ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST!" and I attached a dum dum lollipop and a smartie candy on the card. I also put erasers, pencils, pencil grips, stickers and a mini comp book in there for them. Easy fun and cute!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday: 4/8/2013

Cookies and cream protein shake with almond milk and 1/2 Banana 

        Italian pork sausage with saute'd mixed veggies and two strips of bacon 

                              Strawberries with Almonds

MOES-- Closetalker- Chicken/Steak/Onions/Mushrooms/Green Peppers/Black Beans/Salsa - over romaine lettuce. 

              Almond Meal Raspberry Cobbler

WOD 1:
1 Rep Max Hang Clean @ 115 pounds- PERSONAL RECORD!
7 Min EMOM: 1 Hang Clean @85 pounds + 5 box jumps 

WOD 2:
1 Rep Max Front Squat @ 215 Pounds -- PERSONAL RECORD!
5 Box Jumps, 10 Toes to Bar, 15 Kettle Bell Swings

Saturday, April 6, 2013

March 2013 = SUCCESS!

March was a great month! I feel like it was my month of success as I accomplished a lot of goals all at once. I completed the Tough Mudder race as I stated before, I competed in my first Cross-fit competition and dun dun.. nah nah... I did a pull up for the first time! 

Tough Mudder was the most insane race I've ever done and think I ever will do. I cannot imagine  race crazier than that one! 12 miles with 24 obstacles through the mud in 60 degree weather.. ya it was crazy!! But Awesome! Never thought I'd do something like this! It's a good feeling to just face the fear of the unknown and go through it no matter what the cost or how hard it is.

Ok, so I may have kipped a bit but I have not been able to get my chin above bar without a band or jumping. It has been a long road for pull ups for me and I still have a long way to go but it was still exciting to see that I could pull myself up finally! I was pretty convinced this day would never come. I hope to get better and be able to do them full on strict, butterfly and regular kipping. 

I learned so much through the 5 weeks of the Cross-fit open competition. I went into it not really knowing what to expect other than a challenge and that is exactly what I got! What I loved most about it was it really put in perspective how much harder I need to push myself during the WOD's and also how much I need to focus and practice on the things that I'm not good at. There are so many skills to learn in Cross-fit. You can never get bored in this sport. After doing the 2013 Cross-fit open, I now have a new drive and passion to master my weaknesses! I cannot wait to see how I do next year! 

I'm dedicating my time to get better at double unders, toes to bar, pull ups (all types) and hand stand push ups just to name a few... 

It's As Simple As It Gets


I love being in the kitchen but let's face it, I'm not a homemaker and I don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen on a daily basis. However, I know how important it is for me to literally be in the kitchen every day and make my own meals rather than grabbing from a store or restaurant. I always keep a good variety of veggies in my fridge and I've stocked up on meats in my freezer to make sure I always have protein available. The ingredients obviously vary but all you need is protein, veggies, olive oil, garlic and salt/pepper and you have yourself a yummy meal! 

This one in particular I used:
Chicken- cook in oven or skillet with some olive oil separate first (I'm a salmonella freak) 
Bacon- Cooked in a separate pan or oven
Yellow Pepper 
Red Potatoes

Poor some oil in a pan, add minced garlic, add a few veggies and saute for about 20-25 min. Add Salt and Pepper to taste. Serve cooked protein on top. - ENJOY!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Quick and Easy Paleo Quiche

Just wanted to share a quick, easy and good recipe. I am a big egg-eater. I think I have eggs almost every day. I could literally have my own chicken coop! I'm always finding new ways to make them. Most of the time I'll just fry a couple and pair it with bacon and kale which is my favorite meal. I could eat that every day and never get sick of it. 

The great thing about this recipe is that you can make it with literally any veggies you have. I basically scramble 2 eggs and add a splash of almond milk for consistency. I'll take any sort of veggies I have in my fridge and chop them up very small and mix it in with the eggs. Add Salt and Pepper and bake at 375 for about 20-25 min or until it is done. One other thing you can do is line the glass dish with bacon strip pieces which creates a really yummy crust. [[Bacon makes everything better!]] Make sure to grease your dish before you poor in the ingredients... ENJOY!

 Here I have Kale, Cherry Tomatoes, Orange Peppers, Onions and Broccoli 
