Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 49

Man was I tired today! Reading up on what to expect on this challenge it says that there will be a point where you will have a dip in your energy level. When this happens it means my body is going through withdrawal from the sugar and carbs.. I definitely feel like this is happening as I felt like pealing over on the floor next to my desk and passing out today at work. I will be upping my caffeine to try to get me through this phase.. blah!! :p

Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon
Lunch: Balsamic chicken with Collards and sweet potato mash
Dinner: Bacon burger wrapped in lettuce with tomato and onion with a side of sweet potato chips & avocado 
Snack: Apple
 & 2 cups of Almond Milk 
Coffee: 2 cups
Tea: 1 cup


Strength: 5x1 Muscle up transitions 
 Then 3x2 Pull ups suppersetted with 3x2 Max Effort Ring Dips 

Skill: Pistols 

Conditioning: 7 Min AMRAP of:
3 Pull ups + 3 Burpees
6 Pull ups + 6 Burpees
9 Pull ups + 9 Burpess.. (increasing by 3 each time).. I got 81 reps total. 

Post Wod:
Row 2000 Meters 


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