Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 50!

10 days down.. 50 to go! I'm staying strong and being very consistent with working out and eating Paleo! I'm very determined to stick it out through this challenge. I seriously feel great which is making it easier to say no to crap junk food that is in front of me. Last night my friends were eating pound cake and rolos and I kinda wanted a piece but remembered how crappy it makes me feel. Plus it literally takes me 2 days to recover from a bad meal! I also texted my team mates for some support. We make each other laugh and make jokes about it when we are in these kind of situations and tell each other we will be making Paleo brownies soon and it will be worth it to hold out! It helps having a support system! I'm very grateful for the team that I have! 

Breakfast: Eggs and Turkey bacon (just trying to finish the rest of the TB I have in the fridge then it's 100% nitrate free I go!)- I'm a college student.. I cant afford to waist food! 

Lunch: Balsamic chicken with a side of mashed sweet potatoes 

Dinner: Balsamic chicken and collards + 1 cup of Almond Milk 

Coffee: 1 cup


Strength: 5x1 Squat Clean/Split Jerk @105lbs
 THEN: 3x3 Clean High Pull @95lbs  Suppersetted with 3x3 Push Press @95lbs

Conditioning: "Dirty Dozen" 15 min time cap: 
1 Push Up + 25 yd sprint, 2 Push Ups +25 yd sprint, 3 Push Ups +25 yd sprint etc.. all the way to 12... THEN: For score: remaining time is max effort anyway overhead @85 pounds- SCORE: 33 Reps overhead. 

 10 Dumbbell snatches @ 30lbs 
 10 Ring Rows
 800m Run 

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