Friday, June 9, 2017

50 days!

I came across my old blog page from 2013 and started reading through all of my old posts that I made. It was interesting to see how different life was back then. I lived and breathed for 3 things: Fitness, Food, and my Faith.

It's been 4 years, and I feel as if these 3 areas of my life are in a slump and I probably make excuses for each area. Excuses can be made for everything and anything, but in the end nothing changes, improvement doesn't happen and the only thing felt is disappointment.

I decided to start blogging again in hopes that it would keep me more focused in these 3 areas again. I want to start picking scripture each day and reflecting and blogging on that verse(s), blog about my eating habits for the day, blog about my workouts, and what great things happened in the day.

So starting with today:

I woke up and went to TREE UMPH with some friends from work, my boyfriend and my roommate. I went once before about a year ago and it was a blast. It's always enjoyable doing different activities outdoors that are challenge, fun and safe.

Afterwards we went to Cheescake factory and enjoyed some much needed lunch! I'm excited to start blogging again and trying to focus on improving myself in all areas.

My goal is to develop healthy and smart habits again over the summer. Both for the mind, body and soul. For food this week, we have decided to create healthy paleo dinners and focus on portion control. My goal is to workout everyday and push myself a bit further than I typically do.

Sunday: Spagetti Squash and Chicken Breasts
Monday: Pork Chops and Steamed Veggies
Tuesday: Paleo Taco Bowl (Ground chicken, Quinoa Rice, Veggies)
Wednesday: Stuffed Peppers
Thursday: Cheat Day: Slice of Pizza and Salad
Friday: Steak and Green Beans

Saturday: SPIN @ 9am
Sunday: SPIN @ Home 1 hour with Glute Workout
Monday: Crossfit 6am
Tuesday: Crossfit 6am / SPIN 5:30pm
Wednesday: Crossfit 6am
Thursday: Crossfit 6am / TEACH SPIN 5:30pm
Friday: Crossfit 6am or SPIN 9am
Saturdya: SPIN @ 9am

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