Saturday, April 6, 2013

March 2013 = SUCCESS!

March was a great month! I feel like it was my month of success as I accomplished a lot of goals all at once. I completed the Tough Mudder race as I stated before, I competed in my first Cross-fit competition and dun dun.. nah nah... I did a pull up for the first time! 

Tough Mudder was the most insane race I've ever done and think I ever will do. I cannot imagine  race crazier than that one! 12 miles with 24 obstacles through the mud in 60 degree weather.. ya it was crazy!! But Awesome! Never thought I'd do something like this! It's a good feeling to just face the fear of the unknown and go through it no matter what the cost or how hard it is.

Ok, so I may have kipped a bit but I have not been able to get my chin above bar without a band or jumping. It has been a long road for pull ups for me and I still have a long way to go but it was still exciting to see that I could pull myself up finally! I was pretty convinced this day would never come. I hope to get better and be able to do them full on strict, butterfly and regular kipping. 

I learned so much through the 5 weeks of the Cross-fit open competition. I went into it not really knowing what to expect other than a challenge and that is exactly what I got! What I loved most about it was it really put in perspective how much harder I need to push myself during the WOD's and also how much I need to focus and practice on the things that I'm not good at. There are so many skills to learn in Cross-fit. You can never get bored in this sport. After doing the 2013 Cross-fit open, I now have a new drive and passion to master my weaknesses! I cannot wait to see how I do next year! 

I'm dedicating my time to get better at double unders, toes to bar, pull ups (all types) and hand stand push ups just to name a few... 

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